Suppose you want to join two video clips together. Browse the moments, years, albums and so on to find the video clip you want to edit.Ĭlick Movies in the sidebar to browse the Photos library Add a video clip at the start Select Movies in the Media section of the sidebar and then open Photos. Related: Where are photos stored on the Apple Mac? It is at the bottom of the sidebar and you might need to scroll down to see it. If the file selection window is small, you might miss the option to browse your Photos library. Start QuickTime or select File > Open and you you can select a file on disk.
However, there are features that are not obvious and you can perform a number of editing tasks very quickly and easily. It seems to lack the features you need and you might be tempted to switch to iMovie. If you run the QuickTime app in macOS and load up a video clip, there doesn’t appear to be a whole lot of functions.
For some tasks you might prefer it to iMovie. QuickTime Player on the Apple Mac is a useful tool for viewing video clips, but it can do a lot more.